Day four

So happy I came out today, it was a battle wake up, I changed my alarm to ring by 5:00 and 5:30am so my snooze time didn't get to 6:00am. I did my whole run with 3 mins, didn't break at all did the whole stretch when I got to my checkpoints where I stopped still had the strength to go a little bit further when I got to the 2nd checkpoint I still had some energy to go a little bit further. felt so go as I got closer to my start point. would attempt to this tomorrow. one of the main things I am also trying to build is the mental capacity for consistency, the dogged disciple, every human alive need that stay power, no matter how little it just like they must seed it can grow to become a gigantic tree.  same is needed also in business to go the whole nine yards in the face of battles and obstacles. would try my best to also push the limits with my typing as the days go by in documenting my process.
