handing over failure

enroute aba,without my volunteers(otto things).... so am thinking & overviewing the buhari story,the GMB success story,its one of persistence and of stay power, one of doggedness and of unshakable confidence but most of all self belief.
I wonder what buhari would have thought when he was betrayed by his fellow officers 20 months into his initial tenure, his trusted point man was killed & then while in office his own wife dinned with his betrayers,he must have thought "life was such a bitch",but 30+ years down the line here comes the one time failure & ex-con,smiling to the bank,or would i say smiling to the rock(aso).
Am here looking at my life in front of me,little problems happens & i get discourage and back down, friends act up i lose my faith on them ,i experience heartbreak & i think all women are the same.
The reality is I need to suck up my issues and move on,dust off any resentment and surge ahead, cut off any load of mishaps and press ahead,because nobody gives a hoot about what i feel, if I don't press ahead,nobody will do it for me. My ability to come back stronger will determine my rate of success
If  GMB gave up nobody would have given a rat ass about him,he would have remained the laughing stock he was to my eastern brothers (they are still in shock that Buhari won the election).

My take home lesson: never ever give up,so far you can still breath,push on.
And in the words of my disc jockey friend "if you really look had enough you will find whatever you are looking for- Omajor mowete 2014.
