We are in a season of information overload, everyone has access to real-time information, so unlike before that the most valuable asset was information, now in a COVID 19 era, having information doesn't have as much value as it used to. Being able to synthesize the information will give more value, but the great movers or shakers or people that will matter are those that synthesize and predict the future based on the current information available not just about the present but also the past, being able to see the patterns from the past, what preceded black swan or white swan events and what followed.
The Bundesliga started yesterday and some young men in the area I live had a vociferous argument about it, and it hit me, the old-time culture of standing next to the newspaper stand and discussing yesterday's news is fading out since we can have today's news today, there no sense and need for physical newspapers again since they basically have old news. In fact, most newspapers will now have their online publications are their primary source for dissemination of their content, the likes of ''the cable'' and ''premium times'' have proven that it is a possibility.
Predict the future or become irrelevant.
Given the amount of uncertainty, even fake business futurists will have more temporary value than experienced businessmen due to the high value attached to the current value being placed on knowing what the future holds, but let's not get carried away with the hype and let's step back from all the noise and look at the data from the past, are there any similarities, John Naisbitt book - ''Mindset'' is a fun read and helps paint a perspective about being able to separate the hype from what is really backed by data, especially now when everyone is in need of clarity for what will happen next.
One thing is certain 2020 has thrown the world into a state where new influencers will arise and new tides will start, it will also be the reference point for the end of an era and the start of a new one. So I would advise look for your tide and let it take you to your desired destination.
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