We made it past 7 days, grateful and happy I can share this journey with any future readers, I have always been slim even with the extra weight I was till 83.8 kg and being 6 feet tall it wasn't a bad idea, but I started falling sick every week, malaria typhoid every other day, let see how this our habit experiment affects my health overall. trusting God to make this morning jogs part of my life. I woke up without electricity 1st time since I started my new routine, weather was hot, sweating profusely ideas to go out as the road might not adequately lit, still pushed myself out the bed brushed my teeth and was dressing up to leave when the lights came on, every day still is a struggle isn't a habit yet obviously. The guys at work have started work, would need to go review some work done at the office today. The daily curfew is still in place would need to get back before 3-4pm to avoid the crazy Lagos traffic that has started building up by that time.
On other things, asides myself, all African countries as of today have confirmed having the virus as Lesotho being the only country left now has its own index case. Lagos surprisingly has 51 cases as of yesterday, let pray it declining but we have been here before so won't keep my hopes too high though. with testing done 29,408 tests and 502 shy of 5,000 cases, we need this closed as soon as possible.
today really don't have the juice to type would need to step out today
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