Leaders are learners
So Sam adeyemi started with a bang and didn't disappoint. My notes from the session were mixed and rewritten so that I would remember his main points.
To inspire is make people feel they can do something. People who naturally wouldn't see themselves achieving certain things on a normal day,but after being inspired by you they take on a new world view
about themselves. They see themselves as super beings that's can achieve what they previously thought was out of their personal reach. Leaders who inspire people have a trait that inspires people great heights of performance. The truth is we are designed to function under inspiration. Inspiration could also be described as the breath, it helps animate you, one functions at a higher level when there is inspiration.
Allow me to quote job "but see I was wrong - it's God's spirit in a person, the breath of the almighty one, that makes wise human insight possible.
When people are inspired they feel , think, and act differently. They dream bigger,it's changes their world view. They become committed and dedicated because of their new world view. In the absence of inspiration people do not commit. And I heard this quote for the first time. In the making of the breakfast,the pig is more committed than the chicken. Inspiration makes people attempt great things , it makes ordinary people achieve extraordinary things. Leaders create the atmosphere for people to be inspired they create atmosphere where people can breath. In the absence of inspiration ineffective leaders work by coercion,they use their position and demand results from the people they are in charge of, but leadership by inspiration is self driven it isn't forced.
Your attitude is key in inspiration for other people. Your attitude is like a sign post people look at when you inspire them,your attitude under duress,or in times of distress. Never pretend, remain authentic as much as possible. Leaders inspire others by their optimism, perseverance ,capacity to stick to things till they work.
Achieving your dreams also Spurs inspiration in others,unleashing your their potentials,genius, talents and abilities . Make sure your not a spectator,display your own gift and let it be a blessing to others.
How to get inspired ?
Read books
Watch videos
Fellowship & pray in the holy ghost
Attend trainings and seminars
Travel for holidays and sight seeing
Visit art galleries.
Be a mentor to others
Listen to music and live stage plays.
The list is endless.
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